AI Story Guru


Find quick answers to your questions about AI Story Guru’s book outline generator, genre guidance, and writer community. Our FAQ page makes it easy to understand how we help you write your story.

No. We made it super simple. Just enter the genre of book you want to write (ie: romance) and then tell the AI a few ideas about your story then click submit. It's that easy. The AI will do everything else.

Yes. Your monthly subscription allows you to generate multiple book ideas and outlines. You can create up to 100,000 AI words a month. That's a lot of story ideas!

Your monthly subscription allows you to generate multiple book ideas and outlines. You can create up to 100,000 AI words a month. That's a lot of story ideas! Most story ideas and outlines are just a few hundred words. If you add in chapter 1 details, plus the book summary and overall book outline and character notes from the sample Blood Acaedmy: The Veiled Prophecy, that is about 1,000 words. However, that being said, you don't have to produce the chapter 1 guide. That's always optional. Galactic Espionage, for example, is about 400 words long.

AI Story Guru cost $27 per month. You can use the service as long as you like and cancel any time.

Log into your account, click the cancel button. It's just that easy. Told you, I like to keep things simple.

Sure. In fact, I can show you more than a few. We realize that you want to actually what it in action first, so we've created a handful of story outlines using AI Story Guru to show you how it works for different genres. Click here to see the demo now.

It's pretty much instant. Soemtimes you have to play around and fine tune your story idea to get it to give you a better outline, but the results are pretty quickly. It doesn't really take more than a few minutes to think about what it's going to say to you before it starts giving you a story summary and outline.

I can honestly say I've yet to see a obscure enough sub-genre that it hasn't came up with a pretty decent story idea. Some people are pretty open like say things like "romance" but others get very specific like dark mafia age gap romance. Honestly I have found the more information you give it, the more likely it is to produce results you want so don't be afraid to get in there and really give it specific genres and sub-genres. Even go all out with the descrption and say things like "I want my story like Twilight but without any vampires or werewolves. Intead I want them all to be witches." The more you give the AI to work with, the more creative it can be for you.

Absolutely. I mean does any book really fit into one genre perfectly? I personally love me a contemporary alpha-male billionarie adult romance, which falls into four subgenres of the main "romance" genre. But to answer your question, yes. You aren't stuck just working with one genre or sub-genre. In fact, the more you give the AI to work with, the more creative it can be.

If you like what you see, click the save button and it will store the details for you.

No this service just helps with the writing process. We don't generate images. The book covers shown are just for illustrative purposes only. 

Of course. You are the one writing it. The AI is simply helping you a long the way with a few simple tasks. In the end it's your original work, and you can do what you want with it.

The AI doesn't write the story for you. It simply helps you come up with ideas and helps you with the structure and outline and maybe even gives you a few plot points. But in the end, you are the author of your own book and that makes it 100% your original work!

What are you waiting for?